Sunday 9 May 2010

Day 12 - Metropolitan Line (Part Four)

And so, the Met Line is finished. The monkey on my back has been removed, although not without some considerable effort.

Going out to Zone 9 (yes, there is a zone 9) of the Tube on a Sunday afternoon for a 4-and-a-half hour walk through the countryside to Watford is not something I ever thought I'd do, but then again I suppose that is part of this challenge, and part of the experience. Nevertheless, perhaps for the first time since starting I really felt the miles drag. I think the main reason was that, although the scenery was lovely with fields and forests more reminiscent of Jersey than London, the stations were as much as 3 miles apart. The lift I normally get from reaching the next station was infrequent, and when I felt an ache or pain, it really dragged on.

Still, the scenery was nice. Ish. Lots of little hills, ups and downs, winding lanes and the odd house. My DIY maps were again mostly fine for the journey, but with such large potential for error I frequently checked with local people that I was heading the right way. And, as per usual, they were all very helpful.

The walk itself was not particularly eventful, although going back to Rickmansworth, where last I limped onto a train over two weeks ago with a foot so sore it kept me inactive for a weekend, was satisfying. En route however, I felt a twinge in my knee that was to come and go for the next few miles, and as I got home still bothered me. I think that the Rickmansworth area, or perhaps the Met Line in general, has joined in with TFL to sabotage my efforts. I will certainly be glad of my planned rest tomorrow.

Reaching Watford was certainly a plus. Not for the great beauty of the place in itself, but for the fact that the Met Line joins the Jubilee, Bakerloo, and Hammersmith and City in the 'finished' column. With two more lines half done, I'm really happy with my progress. And if my knee isn't swollen up tomorrow, I'll be confident of finishing on time. Maybe.

Happy Liberation Day!


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