Monday 24 May 2010

Day 24 - Northern Line (Part 3)

The penultimate day of the penultimate line. Words that fill me with excitement, although the end is still a week away. This time next week, if all goes to plan, I will be lying somewhere quietly having drank myself into a merry haze. But not yet...

Today, the task before me was to walk from Old Street up past Euston and Camden along the west branch of the Northern Line, to Edgware. Jonathon Caunt (who else?) joined me at the latest possible notice, for which I was enormously grateful. The early stages of the walk were familiar. Although I am a huge fan of Camden, the stifling heat which continues to warm London combined with a walk that was predominantly uphill created something of a challenge for us. This challenge was promptly lessened by Jonathon's sage purchase of an entire box of profiteroles. Fantastic call.

Long stretches of the walk were green and pleasant, particularly around Golders Green and Hampstead, and even those that were less leafy were mostly aesthetically pleasing. Only as we edged into Colindale and away from Hendon did we enter the more suburban and industrial-centre style areas that have become synonymous to me with north and north-west London.

The walk even came with the standard view of Wembley in the distance. I had totally forgotten that England were playing Mexico there at the time, but as we made it to the pub in Bank on the way home I at least managed to see most of the second half. My feet are getting worse by the day, and the frequent twinges in my left knee still linger as a threat, but I am so close to the end now that I can almost ignore it!

Lynsey has kindly volunteered to accompany me tomorrow, doubtless in view of her poor league table showing... The Northern Line will be complete, leaving me with the 'orrible long red one that seems to stretch on endlessly from one end of London to the other. CAN'T WAIT.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather! And the imminent end of Workshops for fellow LPCers...

Over and out

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