Sunday 16 May 2010

Day 17 - Circle Line (Part Two) and District Line

A wet and windy Sunday in London saw me complete line number seven and start line number ten. I decided to start the circle line leg from Hammersmith rather than Moorgate, not just to see Rob and Jenny off to Earl's Court but also because, having done the exact same trip just 5 days before, I thought that going the opposite direction might at least spice it up a bit.

In fact, I took a slightly different route, gambling that there would be a way through, under or over the motorway next to Westfield and getting lucky. This cut off about an hour of walking time, which I was understandably delighted with...

Not much to say about the walk itself, either part of it. The circle line was predictably similar to how it was last week, and finding myself finishing a bit early, I thought I might do myself a favour and start the district line early. So I set off from Aldgate East... on a path that directly mirrored the second leg of the H&C line that I undertook on Wednesday. Thriller. The sole difference was the rain, which thankfully only really begain to pour when I got home.

A productive day, all the more impressive after a good (and late) night yesterday. The District Line looms ahead, and a journey to Upminster tomorrow. Exciting, isn't it?

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend!

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