Monday 17 May 2010

Day 18 - District Line (Part Two)

Not the most thrilling blog entry, alas. Today saw a rapid walk through the furthermost eastern part of the Underground. It provided little in the way of incident, but nonetheless further demonstrated the variety of London, and just how far the tube stretches, here deep into Essex.

Upminster itself was pleasant enough, and Hornchurch is positively leafy. This was followed by a long, meandering walk to Dagenham. While Dagenham is far more urbanized, the road there was punctuated by a friendly horse which stuck it's head out of a field to greet me, and momentarily bar my way. Not one to be rude, I duly gave it a pat on the nose. As with other animals I have encountered, on learning I had no food it promptly wandered off...

The other scenic part of the promenade was a jaunt through Mayesbrook Park, featuring two lakes complete with swans, geese and the like. And the impressive, if rather imposing view of Canary Wharf looming in the distance.

I reached the end early, having set myself a decent pace, and so decided to do my future self a favour and press on for another stop. This covered familiar ground between Barking and East Ham, last travelled on aching legs deep in the evening last week when walking the H&C line. The whole area looked different by day, and I look forward to chewing up the rest of the eastern and central part of the District Line tomorrow, albeit on walks I have entirely covered before on the H&C and Circle lines. With only two weeksto go, despite being thus far on course (fingers crossed...), I really am starting to suffer from the rule about covering the same ground twice on each line...

Then again, if something's worth doing, it's worth doing properly. On that note....

Night night


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